The career Talk with Anne
For over 10 years, Anne has been a part of our Geuterbück team. She started with her training as an industrial clerk in 2012 and has since remained with us as an operational purchaser. In 2021, she changed her area of responsibility and has been working as a purchaser for IT since then.
You want to learn more about Anne's career? Here's the complete interview.

Please introduce yourself briefly
My name is Anne Hermann, I am 28 years old and work in IT Purchasing. I have been with Geutebrück for over 10 years now. Before I started my apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, I was able to get a first impression of the tasks and processes here as an intern in 2009 - I officially began my training in 2012. While going through the various departments during my training, my decision about the direction I wanted to pursue in the future was confirmed. After successfully completing my training in 2015, I immediately started working in operational procurement. I was given the opportunity for further education to become a specialist in purchasing and logistics, allowing me to specialize in this field. In 2021, I had the opportunity to switch to IT procurement. There, I focused on further education in the contractual area to stay up-to-date with software and license agreements.
Why did you decide to go into purchasing?
The team in Purchasing was incredibly open from the beginning, welcomed me warmly, entrusted me with responsibilities early on, and quickly placed a lot of trust in me. That's why Purchasing was my favorite, and it has remained so. What I found particularly exciting was that new tasks awaited me every day, and I never knew exactly what to expect.
What are the differences between operational purchasing and IT purchasing?
My daily tasks as a purchaser in IT differ significantly from the activities in operational procurement. Previously, I managed inventory products and took care of timely delivery and logistics. Today, I essentially procure various hardware, software, and services on a daily basis. Each time, I need to familiarize myself with the specifics and pay attention to different contractual points. Of course, I must not lose sight of the schedule for the entire project.
What motivates you in your work every day?
I really enjoy my job. Especially in this new area with a technical background where I haven't gained much experience yet, it's a bit of a challenge for me - but definitely exciting.
What makes Geutebrück special for you?
For me, Geutebrück is something special because I started my professional life here. I think you are given a lot of trust here, for example in terms of working hours and how you organize them. My personal development has always been supported, and the interaction within the team is always excellent.
How will the journey continue for you?
I would like to attend an advanced seminar on this contractual topic because there are many pitfalls, especially in the software field. And since I've only been doing this for about three-quarters of a year, I want to deepen my knowledge in this area. My goal is to delve deep into the subject initially, and then we'll see where it goes from there.
What special projects have you been involved in?
In the IT sector, we have a Wi-Fi project where the entire building is being equipped with new Wi-Fi. It's a bit of a challenge for me because I have less experience with project management. For this, I had to familiarize myself with some new things like technology and hardware. That's why it's a special project for me because I haven't been involved in something like this before.
Do you remember your first day at work?
I was just 18 years old at the time - of course, I was extremely excited. I remember we had a small group with all the apprentices, and those from the higher years took us under their wing and showed us around. Right from the start, everything was casual and fun. I felt comfortable immediately and was well-received.
To start with us, what qualities or skills should one possess?
You should always have a fundamental interest in the product or technology. I believe if there's no affinity for it, it wouldn't work. But it's essential to just be yourself. There are so many different personalities here, and they are all accepted.
How do you balance family, friends, leisure and work?
So, thanks to the flexible working hours, there are actually no issues, not even with my daughter. If there's anything, I can be reached on my work phone, and I'm not tied to my desk in the office; I can also work from home. Everything can be wonderfully coordinated.
Is it possible that you sometimes take work home with you?
Sure, work always comes home with you, but not to the extent that it would burden me. If I think of something at home that I've forgotten, I don't have to write it down and do it the next day, I can just do it quickly at home - then it's done.
What were your personal highlights at Geutebrück?
What I always found enjoyable were the New Year's celebrations. When I started here, they were always themed parties where everyone, for example, came in traditional Bavarian outfits. I always found that very amusing and it was always a lot of fun. I've also met many people here with whom I have a lot of contact in my personal life.
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