Control vehicle movement
All authorised numberplates can be assigned to the responsible loading bay. When the system detects an authorised numberplate on entry, the driver is shown details of their destination on a display or sent the information by text message.
Your benefit
- Clear instruction which gate is free and can be approached
- Faster navigation
- Excellent overview of the current quantity of trucks and drivers
- More efficiency through direct notification of gates ready for loading
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Keep an eye on loading times
To organise the loading and unloading of trucks on your site, you can automatically record how long trucks spend in the bay and set a maximum time to limit vehicle traffic and prevent inconvenience to either party.

Clarify situations with documentation and evidence
The logistics industry is always working under time pressure, and this can sometimes result in collisions between trucks on your site. Usually, the damage is only superficial. But who will pay for it to be rectified? Video recordings clearly show what happened.

Clarify issues of liability – in a way that is enforceable in court
Whether it’s damage to company property, missing security seals on trucks, or vehicle damage: Some issues are only identified days later. Easy image searching immediately locates the video evidence you need and manages the forgery-proof image export process.