
Geutebrück has transformed over the past four years in a radical manner

February 19, 2020

On an internationally highly competitive market for image-based software systems, the medium-sized company based near Bonn is the only enterprise which has been continuously and 100 percent family-owned since its foundation in 1970. To enhance this position, Geutebrück has transformed over the past four years in a radical manner. Alongside investing into new sales structures for increased user proximity, Geutebrück has also developed a new, future-oriented software platform. This platform allows for cloud-based, highly scalable solutions, is extremely flexible, has state-of-the-art browser technologies and object recognition based on artificial intelligence and neural networks.

To be faster and more flexible, the two CEOs Katharina Geutebrück and Christoph Hoffmann are delegating decision-making authority to a team of four. Christine Heger-Essig is Chief Technology Officer (CTO). She is responsible for Product Marketing and Product Development. Andreas Degen as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) covers all internal services. As Chief Business Officer (CBO), Burkhard Henzgen heads the Sales Europe and Global Business Support divisions. Tarek Schönfelder takes over the Sales Overseas and Global Market Development departments as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO).

Katharina Geutebrück and her husband Christoph Hoffmann jointly manage the company: " The world is changing at an unprecedented speed and we must adapt to it. Digitization and Digitalization demand for faster, more flexible more agile businesses and companies. We all have to adapt. Our declared aim is that the company that my father established 50 years ago will continue to play a major role in shaping our international industry both now and in the future".

The shareholder structure is also proof of this. Co-director Christoph Hoffmann has acquired the shares of a Geutebrück family member and is thus also a shareholder. "As an investor, I am interested in investing in a future-oriented company. As managing director, I want to indicate to our customers that we are personally committed to the company and thus ensure continuity. On a personal level, as the son-in-law of the founder, it is a matter close to my heart that the security control centers of world-renowned museums, authorities or industrial companies will continue to trust Geutebrück solutions for the next 50 years when it comes to protection, security and transparency".

Geutebrück solutions protect people and assets, they provide transparency in processes and streamline the supply chain. As experts for image-based software systems, the company inspires end customers and partners with tailor-made solutions.

Videostatement Katharina Geutebrueck

Videostatement Christoph Hoffmann

Katharina Geutebrueck introduces new Management Team
