ANSTO - High-tech research demands high-tech security
ANSTO is one of the best protected institutions in Australia. The requirements for a Geutebrueck solution are correspondingly high. Each year thousands of scientists from both industry and academia enjoy the access to state-of-the-art instruments, including one of the most modern nuclear research reactors in the world, OPAL, a full range of instruments for neutron beams, the Australian Synchrotron, the research cyclotron of the National Imaging Facility and the Centre of Accelerator Research.

The project
The mission of our solutions is to provide security on the 70 hectare site. The fencing is 4000 meters long and there are 150 buildings on the site, including high security areas.
Your personal contact to us
Do you have a similar challenge? Geutebrück is handling the project engineering, planning, support, installation and commissioning as well as service and maintenance. Employees are trained by Geutebrück in handling the system, so that all users are able to operate the hardware and software in accordance with their individual authorization of access.
Please feel free to contact us and let us find the right solution for you.

Marie-Desirée Hölzemann-Siegel
+49 2645 137 753
More references

Uniklinik Cologne - Excellent training for future professionals in the medical field
The medical faculty of the University of Cologne has a modern training centre with high-performance audio and video technology. At this centre, students practice patient-related conversations, treatments and operations and analyse their own behaviour by means of the video and audio recordings

L'Oréal Deutschland - Security for a global player
With sales of more than one billion euros, L'Oreal is the leading cosmetics company on the German market. Globally, Germany is the fourth most important market for the L'Oréal Group after the USA, France and China.

Banque de France - The Banque de France has placed its trust in Geutebruck
The Banque de France is part of the European system of national banks. Alongside its support for the policy of the European Central Bank, its tasks are entrusted to banking supervision and national and statistical accounts. The Bank of France has the authority to lay down standards for the French banking system.