Sarasota Country Dirstrict - Maximum safety for schoolchildren

Geutebrück helps secure a Florida School District with comprehensive county-wide video management solution

It was a sunny morning when Mick Miller got up to get ready for work at a large school. He had a great weekend and he was looking forward to the day. Work at the school was fun. However, shortly after, his good mood was ruined: When he reached the school grounds, he saw with dismay that large areas of the facade of the building and the entrance area were once again covered with graffiti. The school gate was broken and that weekend someone had obviously had a barbeque party in the school yard, judging by the garbage. This meant yet again a great deal of work and significant expenses for repairs and renovation.

This example is just one of many cases of vandalism at schools. But vandalism and destruction of property are not the only concerns at schools: Sadly, theft, assaults and campus shootings are important issues as well. According to an FBI study, 277 FBI-designated active shooter incidents occurred in the United States from 2000 to 2018 resulting in 884 deaths and 1,546 wounded.

These factors prompted the leaders of the schools in the idyllic Sarasota County School District on the Gulf Coast of Florida to take necessary precautions. The safety of students, faculty and staff must be prioritized and the best possible protection provided – a real challenge, considering that the Sarasota County Schools operate a total of 52 schools, educate 42,000 students and employ 5,000 teachers and other employees!

BCI Integrated Solutions, a certified Geutebrück Partner, was commissioned to provide the video technology to secure all of the school campuses due to their many years of experience and deep technical knowledge. This made it possible to have a scalable solution that is not only fully mature from a technical perspective but that also provides additional benefits.

All schools county wide, are interconnected over a fiber network and are centrally controlled and monitored by the school's security team, from their Safety and Security Operations Center. The video wall provides access to views from multiple cameras across all the schools and, are up and running in real time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This ensures both preventive monitoring as well as quick assessment/response in the event of a safety or security incidents. At the same time, school administrators and School Resource Officers on site can check live video or stored recordings locally and directly follow up on incidents.

To provide this level of visibility across these school campuses, the system has nearly 100 G-Core VMS Recorders with the required storage to maintain the mandatory 30-days of video retention, as required by Florida Law.

Geutebrück viewing stations are used to access the camera views and drive the video wall in the Security Operations Center. Here, school security personnel can access all live video streams and recorded video instantly, providing quick and efficient response to any incident. The schools were initially equipped with 16 cameras some 18 years ago. Today, there are over 5,200 cameras and most of those are Geutebrück Cameras

The entire system today is centrally managed by Geutebrück's Security Information Management Platform (G-SIM). This allows the school to centrally manage the entire school system security and provides school maps with camera locations, deep integration possibilities with other systems, active directory integration and full audit trail on every action, reaction and event.

Tim Butler is an experienced security system engineer who has worked in the security industry for many years. Specializing in cameras and access control, he has been employed at the Sarasota County Schools for the past 18 years. When asked why he chose Geutebrück technology, his answer came quickly: “Storage was the largest challenge. State requirements mandate we maintain 30 days of video storage but, the school district’s goal is to keep at least 35 days’ worth. In our previous system estimating storage needs accurately was difficult and Geutebrück was able to provide what we needed. There were several systems that were considered, at the enterprise level and, Geutebrück fit all the characteristics that we were looking for. In addition, the transition back then from analog to the world of IP was made easy. All of the employees of the Sarasota County Schools Safety and Security team are trained internally so, the staff can easily manage the video equipment in the schools."

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Avez-vous un défi similaire? Geutebrück s‘occupe de la planification du projet, de la conception, de l‘assistance, de l‘installation et de la mise en service ainsi que du service et de la maintenance. Les employés sont formés par Geutebrück à la manipulation du système afin que tous les utilisateurs
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Marie-Desirée Hölzemann-Siegel
02645 137 753


More references

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